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ASEAN-China Young Leaders’ Summit

In collaboration with ASEAN Foundation and China Mission to ASEAN, the ASEAN-China Young Leaders' Summit (ACYLS) 2021 was held to commemorate the 30 years of ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations. The programme aimed to strengthen ASEAN-China relationships in advancing peace, stability, integration, and regional development.


Model-ASEAN Conference

ACYLS upgraded the conference format such that delegates represented either Ministers or Head of States of ASEAN countries and China to engage in discussions at three different levels. Statements from the Sectoral Meetings were shared with the Community Councils, who then shared with the ASEAN-China Summit for Blueprint Formation.











The topics were: 

  • ASEAN-China Summit: Commemorating 30 Years of ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations: Strengthening Partnerships for the Next Decade and beyond

  • Economic Community Council: Promoting Economic Integration in the ASEAN-China Region: Enhancing Free Trade and Investment to Accelerate Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery

    • Sectoral Ministerial 1: ​Strengthening Trade Facilitation between China and ASEAN: Collaborations in Regional and Global Value Chains

    • Sectoral Ministerial 2: Financial Integration between China and ASEAN: Facilitating Financial Openness and Stability

  • Political-Security Community Council: Fostering a Safe and Stable External Environment: ASEAN-China Cooperation in Combating Transnational Crimes 

    • ​Sectoral Ministerial 3: Eradicating Drug Trafficking in the Region: Enhancing Monitoring and Enforcement Mechanism 

    • Sectoral Ministerial 4: Fostering a Safer Cyber-Security Environment: Strengthening Law-Enforcement for Transnational Cyber Crimes

  • Socio-Cultural Community Council: Enhancing Sustainable ASEAN-China Socio-Cultural Cooperation in the Post-Pandemic Era

    • ​Sectoral Ministerial 5: Strengthening Biodiversity Conservation in ASEAN: Constructing a Framework on the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources

    • Sectoral Ministerial 6: Building an ASEAN-China Identity: Increasing People-to-People and Cultural Exchanges in Education


Roundtable Forum

​Under the topic of “Envisioning the Outlook of ASEAN-China Relations in the Next Decade: Opportunities and Uncertainties Ahead”, the forum invited Mr Ong Keng Yong (Executive Deputy Chairman of RSIS, Former Sect. Gen of ASEAN and Ambassador-at-large, MFA Singapore), Mdm Yang Xiuping (Assistant Director of the China Public Relations Association and former Secretary-General of the ASEAN-China Center), Professor Wei Ling (University of International Business and Economics), and Mr Wang Wei (Deputy Mayor and member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Yiwu Municipal Committee) to share their thoughts.


Thematic Seminar

Delegates had the opportunity to participate in thematic seminars to learn more about the different aspects of ASEAN-China cooperation:

  • Green and Sustainable Recovery of China and ASEAN Economy

  • Strengthening China-ASEAN Security Cooperation in the APAC Region

  • Navigating Sustainable Cooperation in the Field of Food Security

  • Biodiversity Conservation Actions and Sustainable Resources Management

  • Social Entrepreneurship in the China-ASEAN Community


Cultural Activities

Delegates enjoyed a night of fun at the ACYLS Cultural Night with activities ranging from learning the mouth-watering recipes of local cuisines to hearing folklore and historical stories, as well as games such as guessing the spy. The event also launched Impression VS Reality Quizzes to test delegates’ knowledge of other countries to facilitate cultural exchange.

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Day 1

0900 - 1030

Opening Ceremony

1045 - 1230

Main Roundtable

1400 - 1600

Committee Session 1

1630 - 1830

Committee Session 2

Day 2

0900 - 1000

Committee Session 2

1000 - 1200,
1330 - 1630

Committee Session 3
Joint Coordination

1700 - 1900

Cultural Activities

Day 3

1000 - 1200

Thematic Seminars

1330 - 1500,
1530 - 1730 

Committee Session 4

1930 - 2130

Cultural Night

Day 4

1000 - 1300

Committee Session 5

1400 - 1630

Closing Ceremony

Committee Heads

  • Secretary-General: Debbie Chew

  • Deputy Secretary-General: Le Xin Ang, Lew Zhi Qian Lydia

  • Academic Committee: Alina Yau, Ang Shao Heng, Yang Zehao

  • Delegate Liaison: Tham Yong Bao, Zhu Zihao

  • Events: Jin Ruixian, Wong Xiangyu

  • Finance & Operations: Lim Yu

  • Publicity & Design: Larissa Li, Meg Wee

  • Public Relations: Liu Sumeng, Ng Jing Wen


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