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Sign-ups for CAYS 2024 are now open!

Deadline:  4 March 2024, 23:59 (Beijing Time)

Who are we looking for?

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Students currently enrolled in a university or equivalent higher education institution

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Youths holding citizenship of an ASEAN country* or China


* Does not include Timor Leste

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Youths with a certain level of proficiency in English

How to apply?

* Successful Applicants are required to pay a registration fee of 50RMB.

1. Submit an Application


Scan the QR code to access the form.


Alternatively, you may access it here:


*You will need a Wechat account to fill in the form

2. Submit a video application via the form


  • Present a problem statement you are interested in. It should address either a regional topic or an area of concern in a country besides your country of nationality.

  • The video should be strictly in English only.

  • The video should be no longer than 1 minute.

​Video requirements


For other queries, contact us at:


Q. Why can't I access the application form? A. The application form has to be accessed through mobile devices and using a Wechat account. Please ensure you have both before proceeding to fill up the application form.

Q. Can I change my pillar of choice after submission? A. You are not allowed to change your pillar as we have designated quotas for each pillar and any change might result in allocation issues. Unless we have explicitly reached out to you, we do not entertain any other changes.

Q. What's the selection criteria? A. Selection is primarily based on your video application, which will be graded by creativity, clarity of thought and relevance to pillar. Your resume will also be taken into consideration.

Q. How do I know if I am selected as a delegate? A. Applicants who applied before 24 Feb will receive their results via email by 1 March. The remaining applicants will receive their results by 8 March. Thank you!

Q. Must I be studying International Relations? A. All majors are welcomed! What matters is your interest in the region.


Q. When do I pay? A. Upon being accepted as a delegate, you will be required to pay a conference fee of 50RMB and no refunds will be given. The conference fee includes food and transport costs. In the event you are unable to attend the conference after paying the fee, you are required to look for a replacement.

Q. Can I let a friend who has a Chinese Bank account to pay the registration fee through WeChatPay or AliPay under my name? A. Yes you may, but please insert your name and mobile number in the reference section for easy identification.


Q. Will my flight and accommodation fees (if applicable) be covered? A. No. Delegates will be notified should there be any changes.

Q. How about visa? A. Delegates are required to apply for their own visas.

Q. How do I obtain a letter of invitation? A. If you require a letter of invitation, please contact us via email.

Q. Will Halal food be provided during the symposium? A. Dietary restrictions will be collated upon confirmation of all delegates. Do feel free to indicate then!

Q. What's the working language? A. The symposium will be carried out in English. For activities that include communications in Chinese, live translation will be provided.

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