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3rd CAYS

As ASEAN becomes increasingly active in the international community, the 3rd CAYS adopted the theme The ASEAN Way: Deepening Global Engagement in the 21st Century and explored hot topics in China-ASEAN relations under the modern global landscape.


Model-ASEAN Conference

The 3rd CAYS comprised six committees which were tasked with producing one Joint Statement each at the end of the conference. The topics were:

  • Under the Digital Economy: Building the ASEAN Smart Cities Network

  • China-ASEAN Youth Innovation Blueprint

  • ASEAN+6 Non-Traditional Maritime Security Cooperation

  • Lan Mei Regional Green Development Youth Action Plan

  • East Asian Youth Regional Think Tank Programme

  • Regional Counter-Trafficking Programme


Roundtable Forum

As ASEAN strengthens its connectivity with the rest of the world in the 21st century, the event held two Roundtable Forums with the themes “ASEAN in an Anti-globalization era: Strategic Momentum and Development Trends” and “Voices of Youth - Lancang-Mekong Green Development Action Plan” respectively.


Cultural Activities

The Cultural Night adopted a summer party theme and delivered authentic Southeast Asian fun. The highlight was a Special Coconut Corner, where delegates got to taste fresh coconut water and learn about the significance of the fruit in Southeast Asia.




Day 1

0900 - 1030

Opening Ceremony

1030 - 1200

Roundtable Forum

1400 - 1600

Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Seminar

Day 2

0830 - 1130

Committee Session 1

1300 - 1600

Committee Session 2

1900 - 2200

Cultural Night

Day 3

0830 - 1130

Committee Session 3

1300 - 1600

Closing Ceremony

Committee Heads

  • Secretary-General: Wang Weishan

  • Deputy Secretary-General: Fang Wenxi, Lim Zi Xuan

  • Academic Committee: Li Yi Xin, Lim Qin Yong

  • Events (Cultural Night): Caleb Kang, Jin Zhi E, Peng Shuyan, Yuan Anhe

  • Finance: Chen Peizhen, Ding Lin

  • Logistics: Xin Qingrong, Zhaoxueyan

  • Publicity: Chen Shufen Sharon, Khoo Kai Rou

  • Public Relations: Yang Bingyi


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