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1st CAYS

2016 marked the 25th Anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations. To celebrate this milestone, the inaugural CAYS was held with the theme of Voice of Youth on China-ASEAN Cooperation. The event discussed diverse topics and looked at the past, present, and future of China-ASEAN relations.


Model-ASEAN Conference

The conference comprised five committees which produced one Joint Declaration each at the end of the conference. The topics were:

  • The Future of China-ASEAN Relations Against the Backdrop of One Belt One Road Initiative

  • Youth Entrepreneurship

  • Regional Transport Network

  • Tourism Cooperation  

  • Disaster Management


Seminar & Roundtable Forum

The seminar adopted the theme of “The Present and Future of China-ASEAN”, where Professor Zhai Kun from Peking University introduced the history of China-ASEAN relations from 1991 to 2016 and shared his insights on how the relationship may evolve over the next 25 years. The Roundtable Forum was held afterwards and invited professionals to discuss their experiences and thoughts on China and ASEAN.


Cultural Night

The Cultural Night provided delegates with the opportunity to engage in cultural exchange through a night of fun performances, traditional costume display, and games.






Day 1

1000 - 1130

Opening Ceremony

1400 - 1700

Seminar and Roundtable Forum

Day 2

0830 - 1130

Committee Session 1

1400 - 1700

Committee Session 2

1900 - 2200

Cultural Night

Day 3

0830 - 1130

Conference Outcome Presentation

1030 - 1200

Closing Ceremony

Committee Heads

  • Secretary-General: She Wen Yan

  • Deputy Secretary-General: Huang Jing Kai Ashton, Xie Wei Jian

  • Academic Committee: Zhang Tinghe

  • Admin: Chen Juanjuan

  • Events (Cultural Exchange): Dai Yuqing, Liu Duoqing, Yuan Xianming

  • Public Relations: Tang Shixuan


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